Steven Bayer – Accredited Access Consultant


Steven Bayer, Director of Alchemy Consulting, has been elevated to an Accredited Access Consultant by the Association of Access Consultants in Australia (ACAA) the national body that regulates the registration of access consultants.

The Accreditation is a great reward for provision of almost two decades of access consulting services in NSW and QLD.  Over that period, Steven has provided assessments on Seniors Living, commercial, residential and industrial projects, including Development Assessment (DA) and Building Application (BA)/Construction Certificate (CC) compliance.

More recently Steven has become an Accredited Assessor for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) under the NDIS, as well as an Accredited Assessor of the Livable Housing Australia Design Guidelines.

Steven is also currently training to be recognised as an Accredited Assessor of the Livable Housing Design Standard, which comes into force under BCA 2022 in Queensland from
1 October 2023 (but is not being adopted by NSW).

Becoming an Accredited Access Consultant allows Steven to provide services that result in more equitable access for the community, whether in housing, commercial or public spaces.

If Steven can assist in assessment of accessibility compliance for your project, don’t hesitate to contact us or Steven directly on 0402 125 203.

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